In the Gaelic calendar, Imbolc marks the first day of spring. More broadly, it marks the mid-point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere. Honor this seasonal threshold by exploring the following embodiment ritual to AWAKEN NEW LIFE. Awakening is not for the faint of heart. It takes great coeurage to meet life at the edge of your comfort zone, which is how one expands and grows toward new horizons. New beginnings require strong vision and focus and inevitably will bring an element of challenge and surprise - our faith and perseverance will be tested. This is a great time to practice standing between worlds and giving yourself permission to embody paradox and shape-shift accordingly.
Right Relationship
Clarify Your Intention
Cleanse your body-heart -mind-space
Imbolc Altar Tending
Imbolc Invocation
Imbolc Ritual
The Awakening of New Life
Like all of the Gaelic fire festivals, Imbolc marks an important threshold: standing at the mid-point between Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. With one foot in the dark of winter and another foot in the light of Spring, here we learn how to straddle worlds, dance with paradox, and hold the complexity of these times.
Life is quickening below the surface, however it is not yet apparent externally as it is internally. We are like tiny seeds who have been germinating in Winter's darkness and who are now stirring awake. We are outgrowing the confines of what once felt safe and comfortable. We are aching to break free as we reach toward new horizons in order to become who we must. The growing light - the Spring Maiden - calls us forth from our slumber, and answer we must.
Awakening to new life demands that we show up fully to what life is calling us toward and courageously step into new territory without assurance of outcomes. The quiver in the seed is what creates the first crack. We send down the first taproot so that we can weather the Spring storms that surely lie ahead. Here we must sharpen our focus and keep our vision toward the light so that we may persevere in the face of challenges designed to test our commitments.
"To everything there is a season,
a time for every purpose under the sun:
A time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
a time to lose and a time to seek,
a time to rend and a time to sew,
a time to keep silent and a time to speak..."
- Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Lamsa
And lest we forget the sacred in- between's. The lived experiences that don't necessarily belong to the categorical highs and lows or polar extremes, yet fill out and give shape to our daily lives. These are the moments that exist within the realm of the quiet mundane, where change is always afoot and yet often overlooked.
Nature teaches us through the turning of time that change happens slowly, often imperceptibly. Imbolc invites us to pay close attention to the magical subtleties unfolding in every moment and to deepen our presence in the here and now. As multidimensional beings we exist between worlds and are designed to hold and be with the complexity of what it means to be human. We can co-mingle and dance between fire and ice; we can know and simultaneously experience both sorrow and joy for the world, knowing that love gives rise to both.
Imbolc reveals that the process of awakening is not for the faint of heart. It takes great courage (bravery of the heart) to meet life at the edge of your comfort zone. This is how we expand and grow into new horizons. New beginnings require strong vision and focus and inevitably will bring an element of challenge and surprise - our faith and perseverance will be tested. So be ready. The journey of awakening can be both daunting and exhilarating!

Imbolc Correspondences
Renewal and purification
Awakening and new beginnings
Light returning and lengthening days
Fertility and potential
Transformation and inspiration
Setting intentions for the coming season
Candles and fire
Brigid’s Cross
Seeds and sprouting plants
Wells and sacred water
Cows, milk and dairy products
The sun and hearth
White (purity, light, new beginnings)
Red (life force, fire, transformation)
Gold (sunlight, inspiration)
Green (growth, fertility, renewal)
Rowan (protection, insight, inspiration)
Willow (intuition, cycles, water energy)
Birch (new beginnings, purification)
Hazel (wisdom, creativity, divine connection)
Angelica (protection, healing)
Basil (clarity, purification)
Chamomile (calm, renewal)
Rosemary (memory, cleansing, fire energy)
Bay (wisdom, vision, manifestation)
Milk and dairy (fertility, nourishment)
Bread and grains (sustenance, prosperity)
Honey (sweetness, blessings)
Herbal teas (healing, purification)
Root vegetables (grounding, seasonal abundance)
Sheep and lambs (fertility, renewal, Brigid’s sacred animals)
Swans (grace, transformation, Brigid’s connection)
Serpents (wisdom, rebirth, cycles)
Bees (hard work, harmony, light)
Fire (inspiration, transformation, the returning sun)
Air (clarity, wisdom, new ideas)
Precious Stones
Amethyst (spiritual growth, intuition)
Garnet (passion, vitality, protection)
Moonstone (new beginnings, feminine energy)
Clear Quartz (clarity, purification, amplification of intentions)
These correspondences reflect the energy of Imbolc, helping to align rituals, meditations, and celebrations with the deeper themes of renewal, inspiration, and the returning light.
As the sun returns and brings rebirth
I give my thanks to Mother Earth.
Embracing change, renewing hope,
the future seeds of light I sow.

Ritual Preparations
1. Right Relationship
Approaching your spiritual practice with humility, curiosity, and reverence is essential. When gathering ritual items, especially elements like stones, crystals, or plants, consider the WHY behind each choice. Reflect on how you are relating to these materials, not as “objects” or commodities, but as sacred elements tied to the the history and energy of a place.
Example: Mindful Sourcing
If you feel called to work with stones in your ritual, instead of purchasing them online or from mass-produced suppliers, consider sourcing them with intention. Go for a walk in nature, visit a nearby stream, or explore your backyard. Trust that the right stone will present itself to you in its time, and recognize the deeper connection to the earth you are cultivating through this mindful approach.
This practice invites you to resist the consumer culture that commodifies nature and instead invites a more thoughtful, sustainable connection with the world around you.
2. Clarify Your Intention
An intention is a way to bring heart and mind into alignment. There is power in naming that which you are calling in.
When we speak to Love/Life/God/Spirit/Source/Allah, we acknowledge that we are not alone and that support and guidance is available to us.
When we give voice to our intentions, we are speaking to the Self that permeates existence.
The intentions we give voice to now will stay with us and ripple through the unfolding of the seasons.
In this quiet moment of awakening, as the light begins to return, I set the intention to nurture the seeds of growth that are stirring within me, waiting for the warmth of my own inner fire to ignite them into life. I honor the stillness of winter, allowing it to guide me in clearing the old—thoughts, habits, and fears that no longer serve me—and making space for new energy to flow. I open myself to the renewal that Imbolc offers, trusting that the wisdom of my heart and the clarity of my mind will guide me as I plant the seeds of intention for the season ahead. I embrace the inspiration and creativity that arise from within, knowing that the energy of transformation is already at work, even if it feels subtle or hidden. I release any resistance to change and invite the potential of this time to blossom in its own way and in its own time. As I light a candle to honor the return of the sun, I align with the energy of new beginnings, committing to nourish my dreams with patience, faith, and love. I trust in the cycles of renewal, knowing that just as the earth prepares to spring forth with life, so too will I grow—grounded, inspired, and ready for the blossoming of all that is yet to come. With deep gratitude for the energy of this season, I step forward with renewed clarity and purpose, ready to embrace the light that is already beginning to shine within me. And so it is.
3. Cleanse your Body-Heart-Mind-Space
Cleansing is a vital part of spiritual preparation, helping to release stagnant or negative energy, making space for fresh intentions and new energy. Cleansing your space and body sets a grounded and clear foundation for your ritual.
Methods of Cleansing:
Physical Cleaning: Tidy your space—dust, vacuum, or open windows for fresh air to circulate. A clean environment fosters clarity and calm.
Salt: Salt is used for purification and protection. Sprinkle salt along windowsills or doorways, or place a small bowl of salt on your altar to clear negative energy. Salt can absorb unwanted energies and act as a protective barrier.
Smoke Cleansing: Light incense or burn a bundle of dried herbs such as rosemary, cedar, mugwort, or any plants you've personally grown or ethically sourced. Choose plants that have personal or ancestral significance to you.
Bathe: Take a cleansing bath or shower, imagining any negative or stagnant energy in your auric field being washed away. As the water flows down the drain, visualize it carrying away any negativity, leaving you cleansed and refreshed.
Meditate: Take a few minutes to center yourself through meditation. Ground into the present moment, still your mind, and set your intention to be fully present during the ritual.
*Note on Smoke Cleansing: If you do not have meaningful/authentic relationships to Indigenous culture and customs, "smudging" with white sage is cultural appropriation and is dishonoring to Indigenous nations across Turtle Island. It is important to understand that smudging is not just about burning sage to purify the negative energy from your space but is a sacred ritual that is culturally specific to tribes such as the Lakota Sioux, Comanche, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Navajo, and many other nations. If you have been gifted sage by an Indigenous friend, use to your discretion. This sacred plant is being abused, exploited and mass-harvested for commercial and consumer use which perpetuates the violence of white supremacy and settler colonialism. Take some time to locate yourself within a settler-colonial context interwoven with the land you currently occupy. Check out Native Land to learn the name and more about the territories you occupy.

4. Imbolc Altar Tending
Creating an altar is an optional but powerful practice. An altar can serve as a dedicated space for honoring nature, your ancestors, the moon, and the dance of the seasons. It helps you build a deeper connection with the energy of the ritual and the archetypes associated with the Winter Solstice.
Steps to Create Your Altar:
Start Simple: You do not need to purchase new items for your altar. Everything you need is likely already within your environment. A simple bowl of water, a few stones, some incense, and/or a candle can serve as powerful altar items. The key is to bring your energy of reverence to the space, not to focus on acquiring things.
Reflect on Imbolc Correspondences: As you set up your altar, consider the themes associated with Imbolc offered above— renewal and purification, new beginnings, fertility and potential, etc. You might include elements that reflect some of these things.
Personal Touches: Trust your intuition when selecting items for your altar. Everything on the altar should feel meaningful to you, not something you have to buy. Allow nature’s gifts, or objects that have personal significance, to find their way onto your altar.
5. Imbolc Invocation
This threshold invocation is to be spoken out loud at the front door of the house on the eve of Imbolc, January 31st, in the evening.
Mid-wife of Mystery, open the door,
Infant of the Infinite, come you in.
Let there be welcome to the newborn truth,
Let there be welcome to the Spring of the Year.
In cold and darkness you are traveling,
In warmth and brightness you arrive.
May the blessed time of Imbolc
Kindle the soul of all beings,
Bringing birth to innocence and integrity
From the depths to the heights,
From the heights to the depths,
In the heart of every soul.
- By Caitlin Matthews
Final Note on Mindful Ritual Practice
Remember that the intention behind each step of the ritual is to deepen your connection with the earth, seasons, and cycles of change as it relates to your inner journey held within the context of the collective. By approaching the ritual with reverence for all elements—whether the objects you use, the space you create, or the intentions you hold—you honor the sacredness of both your personal journey and the broader healing process. This mindful and ethical approach nurtures your own spiritual growth while also supporting the healing of the collective, fostering balance, respect, and harmony across cultures and with the natural world.

Time Commitment: 1 hour
Opening the Ritual
Invoking the Energy of Brigid
Breath Practice for Awakening & Renewal
Movement & Somatic Connection
Reflection & Gratitude
Closing the Ritual
1. Grounding and Centering (5-10 minutes)
Begin by taking several deep breaths to arrive fully in the present moment. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth. As you breathe, feel your body grounding into the earth beneath you, noticing the weight of your body and the connection to the ground.
Close your eyes, and envision roots growing down from the base of your posture into the earth, anchoring you deeply. As you imagine these roots, visualize the growing light of the sun drawing up nourishing energy from the earth, filling your body with stability, peace, and clarity.
Imbolc Blessing
I am the unopened bud, and I the blossom,
I am the lifeforce gathering to a crest,
I am the still companion of the silence,
I am the farflung seeker of the quest,
I am the daughter gathering in wisdom,
I am the son whose questions never cease,
I am the dawn-light searching out glad justice,
I am the center where all souls find peace.
- Caitlin Matthews
Imbolc Prayer
I arise today in the name of the Gatherer of Hope,
the Bringer of Springtime,
the Brightener of Season.s
- Caitlin Matthews
2. Invoking the Energy of Brigid (5 minutes)
Light a candle, symbolizing the return of the sun and the growing light of Imbolc. As you light the flame, call upon Brigid, the Celtic goddess of fire, poetry, healing, and fertility. Brigid is deeply associated with Imbolc, and her presence can inspire the awakening of creativity, transformation, and new beginnings.
Invoke Brigid with a simple prayer:
“I call upon Brigid, the keeper of the flame, the bringer of light and inspiration. As this candle burns, may your energy stir the fire within me, illuminating my path and awakening the creative seeds of transformation. Guide me in this season of renewal, and fill me with the warmth of your sacred fire.”
Hold your hands near the flame, feeling its warmth. As you do, imagine the fire of Brigid’s spirit flowing into your heart, igniting the spark of inspiration and creativity within you. See the flame of the candle not only as a physical light but as a symbolic beacon of Brigid’s sacred fire, illuminating both the outer world and your inner landscape.
Close your eyes and feel the energy of Brigid’s fire coursing through you—warming your body, mind, and spirit. Envision her as the goddess who tends the hearth, both within the home and within your soul, nurturing your desires and intentions like a devoted flame. Allow yourself to absorb this energy, knowing that just as the flame grows, so too will the light of your intentions in the coming months.
As the flame flickers, let Brigid’s presence remind you of your own ability to create, heal, and transform. You are not alone in this journey—her fire burns within you, guiding and empowering you to step forward with confidence, clarity, and creativity.
Step 3: Breath Practice for Awakening and Renewal (10 minutes)
Next, activate the energy of renewal with the following breath practice: Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana) which comes from the Yogic tradition. This technique balances the flow of energy in the body and clears the channels for growth and transformation.
Using your right thumb, close your right nostril.
Inhale deeply through your left nostril, feeling the breath fill your lungs and expand your chest.
Close your left nostril with your right ring finger, releasing your right nostril and exhaling through it slowly.
Inhale deeply through your right nostril, then close the right nostril with your thumb, and exhale slowly through your left nostril.
Repeat this process for 5-10 rounds, allowing your breath to become slower and deeper with each cycle
With each breath, visualize the returning light of Imbolc filling your body. See the breath as a force that activates the energy within you, connecting you to the natural rhythms of the Earth and the season of renewal. As you exhale, release anything that no longer serves you—old fears, doubts, or limiting beliefs. With each inhale, breathe in the potential for growth, clarity, and transformation.
As you continue this practice, call to mind your intentions for the season ahead. Imagine these intentions growing within you, supported by the energy of your breath, and trust that they are being planted in the fertile soil of your being.
Step 4: Movement and Somatic Connection (10-15 minutes)
Stand or sit comfortably and allow your body to move in any way that feels natural. For example, gently sway or rock back and forth. Let your movement follow the ebb and flow of your breath, and let it build slowly in expression. Imbolc is a time of awakening, so focus on the flow of energy throughout your body to honor the return of light and life.
As you move, imagine yourself like a seed slowly breaking through the soil, reaching for the light. Feel your body as a conduit for transformation—each movement helping to bring your intentions into the physical realm. If you feel the urge, you can gently place your hands on your heart or solar plexus, bringing attention to your personal center of strength and creation.
Incorporate movements such as sweeping your arms as if drawing in light or stretching upward like a plant reaching for the sun. Imagine your energy blossoming with each movement.
5. Reflection and Gratitude (5-10 minutes)
Sit quietly and reflect on the experience. What insights or feelings arose during the ritual? What messages or guidance did your body share with you as you moved? What new seeds of growth have you planted, both internally and externally?
Take a few moments to express gratitude—for the returning light, for the potential of this season, and for the wisdom that is available to you now. Thank yourself for taking this time to reconnect with the natural rhythms of the Earth.
Journal your reflections, writing down any thoughts, feelings, or intentions that came up during the ritual. Write a simple affirmation that aligns with your intention: "I honor the light returning to my life, and I trust in my own capacity to grow and evolve."
6. Closing and Releasing (5 minutes)
To close the ritual, take a few deep breaths, feeling the light of the candle expand within you, filling your body with warmth and energy. Visualize this light continuing to grow and guide you throughout the season.
Blow out the candle gently, symbolizing the release of your intentions into the universe. Trust that they are now in motion, just as the Earth is beginning to wake.
Release any attachment to the outcome, knowing that the cycles of nature and growth work in their own time. Offer your intentions to the earth, the universe, or your higher self with trust and faith.
With a crackle and a flash, Imbolc invites renewal.
Light a candle. Take a walk.
Notice the lengthening of the days.
Feel the quivering seeds within yourself that are ready to sprout.
Do something unexpected and creative.
Break the mold.
Let the coming current of possibility clear out an open space within you to receive and nourish all that is to come.
Gently breathe on the smoldering coals of your own vision and send your wishes upon the wind.
Spring is nigh
- Hope Horton