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Gemini New Moon 2024: Themes & Influences

Faint abstract sculpture of twins in the background overlaid with a starry sky. Reads: Gemini New Moon: Moon 101, Astral Insights, Eco-Somatic Ritual

The New Moon in GEMINI will grace the sky on June 6th reaching peak illumination at 8:37am EST.

This blog post covers all you need to know about the New Moon in Gemini along with a simple eco-somatic ritual.

In this blog post you will find:

A grassy field with pink flowers under a blue sky. A white illustration of a dragonfly is centered. Text overlay reads: Moon Ritual Guide & Journal, May 2024

Introduction: Moon 101

The Sun and Moon are in a cyclical relationship as they weave through the seasons of the zodiac. This celestial dance provides us with an intuitive road map to explore our own inner/outer journey as we too make our way through the ebb and flow of nature's seasons and come into new and ever-changing dimensions of our lives.

While the Sun is ruler of the day and influences our "outer" expression in the world, it is to no surprise that as ruler of the tides and queen of the night the Moon is also ruler of our emotions and "inner" felt experience. Our emotions have long been associated with representations of water and the sea: fluid, ever-changing, ebbing and flowing. As the Moon pulls at the tides, we also experience this influencing force on our emotions, desires, shadow realms, fears/worries, psyche, and dreams.

Self-knowledge arises through an iterative process of revelation which uncovers new dimensions of self over the course of seasons and cycles. This process is mirrored in the ebb and flow of the Moon which is why, as part of our Sacred Grove Community, we orient our practices around this embodied rhythm. As the light of the Moon waxes, more of what lies hidden becomes revealed - our deeper motivations, mechanisms, and feelings. As the light of the Moon wanes, we are given time to integrate these new learnings and discoveries.

This New Moon falls within the sign of Gemini, two weeks before the Summer Solstice when the Sun will shift into the sign of Cancer. Keep reading to learn how you can use this Moon portal to explore new dimensions of self seeking expression in the world.

Dark forest scene with overlaid words: "Join us in the Sacred Grove for new & full moon rituals every month"

New Moon Energy

The New Moon in Gemini marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle. The previous Taurus Moon cycle ends and the Gemini Moon cycle begins. Since the moon is the closest "planet" to Earth, this satellite zips around the zodiac very quickly, completing its round in less than a month. Actually, the entire trip takes 29.53 days, to be exact, and is measured from one “New Moon” to the next. We call this a lunation or lunar cycle.

During a New Moon, the moon is sitting between the Earth and the Sun, hence the Sun is shining on the side of the moon we never see. Both the Moon and Sun are in the same Zodiac sign during a New Moon forming a conjunction, which means that the influencing energies are united and enhance the other. In this case, both the sun and moon are conjunct in the sign of Gemini.

You can think of the New Moon phase as the point of beginning again or returning to the conception stage of the lunar cycle. The darkness of the new moon represents fertile ground. New moon energy is a time for introspection, heightened intuition, surrendering to the unknown, releasing what no longer serves you, opening to magic and conjuring visions. At this time, you can plant your dream seeds or set intentions by consciously focusing on the "feeling' of your hearts' desires.

Gemini Insights

  • SYMBOL | TWINS: embracing wholeness we learn to honor the light and dark. In doing so, we repair the body-mind split. The rational and intuitive work together.

  • PLANET | MERCURY: the messenger of the gods; planet of day-to-day embodiment, expression and communication.

  • ELEMENT | AIR: element of inspiration, intellect, mind, thought.

  • HOUSE | 3RD HOUSE: communication, mind, surroundings.

  • MODALITY | MUTABLE: represents the changing nature of life through shifting adaptable forces.

Two weeks ago, the Sagittarius Full Moon was helping us to synthesize our experiences and refine the ways in which we co-creatively imagine and embody our lives. Sagittarius has a wide, future oriented approach that aims to see the broader picture, and to understand the larger Pattern it's embedded within and informed by. We named  how living systems ‘enact’ the world in which they live; how we creatively co-emerge with our environment through adapting and responding to its limitations and constraints. The essence of Sagittarius is in a strong sense of what intuitively resonates. Thus, the Full Moon was supporting our ability to make meaning of our differentiated selves, deepest longings and erotic impulses via the intuitive knowledge we hold of the Greater Pattern of which we are a microcosm.

Now the Sun and Moon stand together (conjunct) in the mental sign of Gemini, which is helping us to uncover how we as individuals fit into the tapestry we are woven into, how we know ourselves in relationship to the whole. Gemini corresponds to breath, inspiration, sound and occupies itself with information that is related to thoughts, ideas, methods of communication and the stories we inhabit. Gemini is that which encapsulates and codifies the transmission of pure, undifferentiated essential meaning into pure, differentiated essential meaning. It assigns a label, an identity and a presence in time to each of its expressions. It speaks to the capacity of sentient beings to not only be cognizant of themselves and their surroundings, to recognize patterns, but also to magically evoke meaning into existence, to encode patterns, their power to shape change.

As I contemplate the archetypal significance of Gemini, I bow to the all-encompassing presence of the periodical cicadas whose collective siren has been permeating my being for several weeks . Resonance is a principle of sound waves, and occurs when a vibrating body brings another one into vibration. The 13 and 17-year rhythm of the periodical cicada's emergence may be a mystery to the human intellect, but to our living earth body and held within a larger timescale it all begins to make intuitive sense.  Rhythm is something that allows us to musically communicate a collective feeling or mood. It becomes a stabilizer within a group; rhythm holds an entire piece of music together. The way that the silences break up patterns are just as important as the actual sounds themselves. Periodic, cyclical, repetitive phenomena. Rhythm plays a very important role in the living  world as a way to communicate, regulate, and adapt.

With all of this said, the Gemini New Moon invites us to consider and explore the ways in which we differentiate ourselves through self-expression but in conscious resonance with greater rhythms, stories, and songs across larger timescales. This New Moon helps us to see clearly that as individuals we are always part of a larger movement pattern AND it's within our power to shape the collective expression by resonating with other bodies attuned to particular frequency or sound.

What you need to know about Gemini

Illustration of the zodiac wheel highlighting the mutable cross in blue and circling the symbol of Gemini




Anticipation, movement, change, adaptability, flexibility

This Mutable Cross is one of the three zodiacal crosses. Following the determined stable forces of the Fixed Cross comes the changing nature of life in its mutable form. The purpose of this cross defines the shifting adaptable natural forces of the elements.

"Mutable signs are represented by sattva in the Hindu system. Geometrically, they are expressed by a spiral, which combines the inwardness of a circle and the thrust of a straight line." - Vicki Noble, Motherpeace

Pisces is the mutable Water sign (circled in the diagram here), opposing it is the mutable Earth sign of Virgo which creates one axis of the Fixed Cross. The two feminine elements (Water and Earth) always create an axis and the two masculine elements (Air and Fire) create the other axis. Each cross contains each of the four elements. In this case the mutable signs are represented by: Sagittarius (fire), Gemini (air), Virgo (earth), and Pisces (water).




Air is the element of the mind. It is related to perception, the intellect, study, communication, music, harmony, inspiration and sound.

"Ideas come from somewhere unseen, and drift in and out of our minds like the wind. Air is also the breath of life. Each day we wake with new breath within us, we have the ability to experience the wonders of life. When someone is a 'breath of fresh air' they bring new perspectives and a renewed sense of life to our reality, not unlike the qualities of air." - Kayla White

Air signs feel at home in the imaginal realms of thought, poetry, philosophy and the arts like music and song. They thrive in the pursuit of humanitarian efforts and hold big visions for the collective. They are often called to contributing their voice to change as communication is often a strength and find enjoyment in articulating concepts and new ideas.


Qualities: communication, knowledge, intellective, awareness, thought, expression

Being the closest planet to the Sun, and the smallest in the solar system, Mercury is a mover who orbits the sun in only 88 days. The planet mercury is a rocky world that doesn't have oxygen or water. Mercury is said to be the messenger of the gods and is the planet of day-to-day expression and communication. Mercury's influence is restlessness in motion. Things happen fast. This planet is incredibly energizing, prompting us to move from one thing to the next. Mercury is also about a quick wit, quick thinking, possibilities, opinions, reasoning. Relating to travel, Mercury is about short trips: visits with family, friends or neighbors close by, commuting for work and errands, or weekend getaways.


Gemini the Twins is a constellation of the zodiac, which means that it lies on the ecliptic, or path of the sun and planets through our sky. It most visible during early Spring or late winter season in the months of January, February and March. Gemini rises in the east after night fall.

According to EarthSky:

"Most people see the constellation Gemini as just two bright stars – Castor and Pollux – sometimes called the Gemini twins. These two stars aren’t really twins. Pollux is brighter and more golden in color. Castor is slightly fainter and white. But both stars are bright, and they’re noticeable for being close together on the sky’s dome. From time immemorial, people have thought they looked like brother stars". (Source)

Ritual Elements

A chart offering elements for the sign of Gemini to be incorporated into the ritual

Gemini New Moon Ritual

What You'll Need

1. Elements for your altar. Drawing on the ritual elements above, consider what you might want to bring to your altar. Start simple. There is absolutely no need to go out and "buy" altar items. This is something that we encourage you to unlearn. Everything we need is within us and can be found around us. A simple candle will do, or a yellow flower for example.

2. Journal & something to write with for the journaling portion.

Important Considerations & Prep

1. RIGHT RELATIONSHIP: being in right relationship with your spiritual practice means approaching each aspect with humility, curiosity and reverence. This includes checking yourself on the nature of how you relate to "objects" as things and the process itself.

  • For example, if you feel called to stones as part of your ritual, consider WHY first. Then contemplate the impact of whatever action comes next. For example, instead of mindlessly purchasing cheap precious stones from somewhere like amazon (which have more than likely been harmfully mined/extracted and then shipped across the world as part of the consumer machine that's destroying our planet), perhaps part of your spiritual practice is to resist such a prompting and instead take the time to go for a mindful walk in your backyard, or a nearby stream and see if the right stone presents itself to you.

2. CLEANSE & PURIFY YOUR SPACE: Cleansing, also known as purification, is the practice of clearing out and releasing negative energy from your space, as well as energy that’s just old, stale, stagnant, or no longer serving you. Here are a few different methods:

  • Physical cleaning: dusting, vacuuming, opening windows for fresh air

  • Salt: a common element used for purification and protection in many different cultures. To use, simply sprinkle salt along doorways and windowsills to protect them from negative energy entering or just keep a small bowl of salt on your altar or nearby surface.

  • Smoke cleansing: light incense or burn a bundle of dried herbs such as rosemary, cedar, or mugwort. Choose plants that you have grown yourself or that grow abundantly wild nearby, plants that you have ancestral tied to or just those that have been grown and harvested ethically.

NOTE: If you do not have meaningful/authentic relationships to Indigenous culture and customs, "smudging" with white sage cultural appropriation and is dishonoring to Indigenous nations across Turtle island. It is important to understand that smudging is not just about burning sage to purify the negative energy from your space but is a sacred ritual that is culturally specific to tribes such as the Lakota Sioux, Comanche, Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Navajo. If you have been gifted sage by an Indigenous friend, use to your discretion in how to engage with this medicine. This sacred plant is being abused, exploited and mass-harvested for commercial and consumer use which perpetuates the violence of white supremacy and settler colonialism. Take some time to locate yourself within a settler-colonial context interwoven with the land you currently occupy. Check out Native Land to learn the name and more about the territories you occupy.


  • Take a shower our bath; visualize any negative energy that has accumulated in your auric field to be washed away as the water goes down the drain.

  • Meditate, center and take some time to ground in stillness and embodied presence.

  • Write or speak your intentions for your ritual out loud


Altar Creation

Creating an altar is optional. Altar tending is a beautiful practice, especially if you have a designated area in your home that you can tend to over the course of each moon and seasonal cycle.

Tending to an altar is an intentional practice that supports your exploration of nature spirituality and carries the potential to deepen your relationship to the energetic archetypes of the unfolding seasonal & moon cycles.

To set up your altar, simply play with any number of the ritual elements offered above in the chart by using symbols, colors, precious gemstones, symbolism, etc.

There is no right or wrong way to go about creating, tending or being with your altar, however we do not condone cultural appropriation or theft of any kind.

Eco-Somatic Practice: Connecting & Communicating from the Heart

For this eco-somatic we will be drawing on the element of AIR since Gemini is an air sign.

This part of the ritual is best performed outside under the sky, or next to an open window. In this practice, you are invited to listen from the heart via pathways of sensation, feeling, intuitive knowing, imagery and/or visualization.


  • Begin by finding a comfortable place either seated or lying down outside where you can hear birds.

  • Take some time to settle into the base of your posture and notice the weight of your body descend into the earth. Sense the part of you that is lifting toward the sky.

  • As you inhale, practice breathing slowly and softly into the front and back of the heart. As you exhale, draw your awareness to the base of your posture and center of gravity (the area inside right below the belly button). With every inhale, lengthen the spine, and every exhale, relax into your seat.

  • After a few minutes, begin to notice the sensual landscape holding you. Draw your awareness to the realm of air.

    • the multi-layered orchestra of bird song and chatter.

    • the soft breeze or gusty wind, the temperature of the air.

    • the color of the sky, the movement of the clouds, the feeling of warmth against your skin.

    • the way light dances with shadow, how the trees sway and and then rest.

    • all of the winged creatures from tiny insects to soaring birds of prey.

  • From a place of gratitude and reverence, send a greeting of thanks to the realm of air. Say hello to each spark of life though words, sound, song or gesture.

How does this change or deepen your experience? What subtle shift do you notice in your body-mind-heart and being?

  • Invite the spirit of air to send a message to you. To receive the message, allow your mind to be open, your body to be rooted, and your breath to be soft.

  • Bring your hands either to your knees with your palms open toward the sky, or gently resting on your heart.

  • Begin to breathe into the front and back of the heart very slowly and softly as you continue to make contact with the spirit of air all around you. Listen with your heart. Be here for at least 10-20 minutes.

  • Next, take your journal and write a message to yourself, channeling the spirit of air.

  • When you are finished, read out loud what has been written.

  • Offer gratitude to the spirit of air with words, gesture or by leaving a gift or offering.

What has changed or deepened your experience? What subtle shift do you notice in your body-mind-heart and being?


Faint abstract sculpture of twins in the background overlaid with a starry sky. Reads: Gemini New Moon: Moon 101, Astral Insights, Eco-Somatic Ritual

What came up for you during the eco-somatic practice? Take some time to reflect on anything you'd like to hold onto.

Additional journal prompts for the new moon:

  • What inspired vision, dreams, thoughts or ideas are percolating for me right now?

  • How am I in conversation with life? Am I listening?

You may also feel called to finishing the following sentences:

  • A habits of thought or behavior that I am releasing is....

  • A new practice that I would like to incorporate into my routine is...

  • Something that I am letting go of is...

  • Something I am welcoming in is...

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Piedmont Bioregion, North Carolina

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