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Aries Full Moon 2024: Astrology & Affirmations

Cosmic starry galaxy with a glowing moon and the symbol of Aries overlaid. Title reads: Full Moon Ritual, Thursday, September 28th | 7-8:30pm ESTs

🌕 ♓ 🌊 Embrace the potent energy of the Aries Full Moon on October 17th at 7:36am EST! Keep reading for astrological insights and affirmations to harness this celestial event and support energetic integration.

In this blog post you will find:


Introduction: Moon 101

The sun and moon are in a cyclical relationship as they weave through the seasons of the zodiac. This celestial dance provides us with an intuitive road map to explore our own inner/outer journey as we too make our way through the ebb and flow of nature's seasons and come into new and ever-changing dimensions of our lives.

While the Sun is ruler of the day and influences our "outer" expression in the world, it is to no surprise that as ruler of the tides and queen of the night, the Moon is also ruler of our emotions and "inner" felt experience. Our emotions have long been associated with representations of water and the sea: fluid, ever-changing, ebbing and flowing. As the Moon pulls at the tides, we also experience this influencing force on our emotions, desires, shadow realms, fears/worries, psyche, and dreams.

Self-knowledge arises through a process of uncovering hidden layers of self through revelation and integration. This process is mirrored in the ebb and flow of the Moon tides which is why it's something we learn to observe and track. As the light of the Moon waxes, more of what lies hidden becomes revealed - our deeper motivations, mechanisms, and feelings. As the light of the Moon wanes, we are given time to integrate new insights, learnings and discoveries.

All About the Full Moon

A Full Moon happens when the Earth is sitting between the Moon and the Sun all aligned at 180 degrees, hence the Sun’ s light is fully reflecting the surface of the moon. During the Full moon, the Moon and Sun are in the opposite Zodiac sign on their axis of the cross that they represent, forming an opposition, which means that the influencing energies can make for a challenging or intense aspect of energy but also a very potent potential as the Lunar & Solar (yin & yang) are in natural harmonic balance. In this case, the Libra Sun and Aries Moon are in opposition and in balance.

The Aries Full Moon occurs once a year when the Sun in LIBRA forms an opposition to the Moon in ARIES. During Libra season, themes of balance, relational harmony and justice are strong. These are important pieces when contemplating the energetics of the Aries Full Moon. The Aries Full Moon arrives 6 months after the Sun and Moon were conjunct in the sign of Aries on the New Moon (Mar. 20th). This means that the Aries Full Moon always arrives on or after the Autumnal Equinox as nature's vital forces begin their descent underground.

You can think of the Full Moon phase as a culmination point or a peak, and a powerful time to reflect, offer gratitude, honor change, and acknowledge the beauty and mystery of life. Energy is often heightened on a Full Moon, so you may feel a burning desire to express yourself creatively as a part of integrating all that you've learned which will support you to let go of any aspects of your life that no longer serve the grandest vision of your Soul.

Aries Full Moon Astrology

  • SYMBOL | RAM: reflects the evolutionary will to survive; the power to penetrate and overcome by asserting strength in creative ways to achieve a breakthrough. Associated with the Shepherd.

  • PLANETARY RULER | MARS: planet of energy, action, instinct, and desire.

  • ELEMENT | FIRE: element of energy, transformation, death/rebirth.

  • HOUSE | 1ST HOUSE: The House of Self rules initiation, identity formation and the realization of one's ultimate potential.

  • MODALITY | CARDINAL: represents initiation, taking action, and translating formless (thoughts, longings, intuitions) into form (embodiment, service, contribution).

How the Aries Full Moon Relates to You

The influencing energies of Sun (Libra) and Moon (Aries) are in a dynamic conversation that we will explore together. Together they form an axis on the Cardinal Cross. The Aries-Libra polarity deals with themes of relationship; interdependence, the dance between self (Aries) and other (Libra), the ability to attune to others and sense yourself as part of an ecosystem or collective field. These themes can be understood when contemplating on their associated symbols:

Aries' Ram - whose fire, creativity, strength and instinctive reactions symbolize the procreative forces - arouses the world in the springtime of life. Aries is the primal will to survive and represents a creative assertiveness to overcome; an irrepressible kind of ‘oomph!’ that pushes the flower out of the ground. It calls us to adapt, to be resourceful, to collaborate and overcome.

Libra’s Scales of Justice speak of balance, attunement, the subtle dance between self and other, the sacred rhythm of the cosmos, and  the natural laws that govern our existence. Ecosystems exist within a constant state of dynamic equilibrium. Balance is not static, rather it’s an emergent dance of reciprocity, the ability to respond to changing conditions within a relational context of attunement.

Movement patterns such as expansion and contraction, reaching and withdrawing, turning out and turning in, speaking and listening, breathing in and breathing out. These movement patterns reflect the dynamic tension found in nature that regenerates life. Aries is our inner capacity to sense this movement pattern; to adapt and respond to subtle shifts in the collective field. It is the flame of inner clarity that supports relational coherence. It burns away falsity, helps us shed old skins, and puts to rest outworn stories. It helps us discern right timing; to know when to give and when to receive. This flame is tended when we embody these movement patterns in our life.

That’s what this Full Moon is all about: Creative Adaptation & Attunement. Opportunities for growth lie within our relationships, in making direct contact with our collective soul longings and material needs. Attunement is both receptive and responsive to the ecosystem one is embedded within. This Full Moon is inviting you to explore your creative edge in community, to sense how you might deepen into more of who you are. What wants to be seen by you? What needs witnessed by others? At the same time, how might you show up for others and receive the gifts of their expression.

Moon Ritual Guide & Journal

This is a great time to get your October Moon Ritual Guide & Journal. Explore what themes have been unfolding in your life 6 months ago since the Aries New Moon. Review your Manifestation Desires. Use or divination template using your favorite oracle / tarot deck by following the prompts.  Always remember, your Manifestation Desires may show up in unexpected ways. Stay soft, stay open.


Aries Affirmations

As I settle into the seasonal threshold,
may I restore balance between shadow and essence.
I call upon the spirit of fire, the flame within my heart
to guide me as I approach the return of darkness.
May the fiery, passionate and expressive nature of this Aries Full Moon
illuminate and deepen my sacred commitment for justice,
mobilizing me into action to assert my voice for the values that I want to embody.
I discern and make changes to the relationships
that do not support the light of my heart or align to the values I hold.
I release the ways that I block the flame in my heart from burning,
and invite the warmth of my inner embers to inspirit the path I walk.
May I embody an inner glow within this season of descent,
claiming my inner truth with the courage to speak.
May I also know when to rest, slow down,
and be with the stillness of the night.

By Michelle Rozek, Way Of Belonging

Aries Zodiac


Illustration of the zodiac highlighting the cardinal cross and encircling the sign of Aries
Cardinal Cross highlighted in red



Initiatory energy, pushing forward, beginnings, equinoxes and solstices

Cardinal signs align with the seasonal cross points of light and dark. Aries aligns with Spring Equinox, Cancer with Summer Solstice, Libra with Fall Equinox and Capricorn with Winter solstice. The Cardinal Cross is considered a most important set of axis lines. It's the first sign of each element where things begin.

"Cardinal signs are the initiating aspects of whichever element they represent. Like fire, they reach out and make direct contact with reality. They know where they are going. Geometrically, they correspond to straight line." - Vicki Noble, Motherpeace

Aries is the cardinal fire sign (circled in the diagram), opposing it is the cardinal air sign of Libra which creates one axis of the Cardinal Cross. The two feminine elements (Water and Earth) always create an axis and the two masculine elements (Air and Fire) create the other axis. Each cross contains each of the four elements. In this case the cardinal signs are represented by: Capricorn (Earth), Cancer (Water), Aries (Fire), Libra (Air).




Fire is the element of transformation, death and rebirth, destruction and creation, purification, passion and life force energy.

"Fire is also associated with light, as it often serves as a beacon in the darkness. Fire only exists in the destruction of other materials; therefore it is known as both a creator and destroyer. We often use phrases such as the ‘spark of an idea’ or the ‘flame of desire’, because fire is connected to the vitality of our life force. And when that flame is ignited within us, it gives us fuel to move forward." - Kayla White

Fire signs feel at home in the creative zone of action and initiation as well as the realm of community leadership. They are highly adaptive and flexible in social environments that require team work and problem solving. As strong visionaries they are natural leaders and inspire others toward action.


Qualities: assertive, directed, forthright, adventurous

Mars is the planet of energy, action, and desire. Mars is the push that gets us out of bed in the morning, our drive and desire nature, and our active energy. Our sexual desires come under the rule of Mars. With Mars, there is no contemplation before action. The drive associated with Mars differs from that of the Sun in that it is self-assertion rather than the assertion of the will; it is raw energy rather than creative energy.


Aries the Ram is a constellation of the zodiac, which means that it lies on the ecliptic, or path of the sun and planets through our sky. Currently, Uranies lies within the constellation’s borders.

According to EarthSky:

The best time to behold the Mighty Ram is when the Earth is on the other side of the sun from the constellation. November and December are especially good months for viewing Aries the Ram in all his starlit majesty, for this constellation shines above the eastern horizon at nightfall and stays out for most of the night. Aries culminates – reaches its highest point in the sky – at about 10 p.m. local time (the time in all time zones) in late November, 8 p.m. local time in late December and 6 p.m. local time in late January. Aries is not a particularly prominent constellation, so a dark country sky absent of moonlight is most desirable for viewing the Ram at its finest. (Source)

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