
Nature's Arc of Change is a seasonal soul map and ancient calendar reflecting nature's cycles and thresholds of change that unfold in the journey of a year (in the Northern Hemisphere).
Indigenous cultures from around the world recognize that we are embedded within and informed by cosmic-earth cycles. There is a rhythm in nature that reveals endless cycles of renewal, what we call Nature’s Arc of Change.
Earth is in a cyclical relationship with the Sun, Moon, planets and stars as they weave through the constellations of the zodiac. This celestial dance gives rise to the seasons and provides us with an intuitive road map to explore our own life-death cycle of blossoming outwardly and turning within to renew.
GERMINATING: Clarify your desires
Dec. 21 - Feb. 5 | Winter Solstice - Early Spring
SPROUTING: Renew your commitments
Feb. 5 - Mar. 22 | Early Spring - Spring Equinox
FLOWERING: Court your curiosities
Mar. 22 - May 6 | Spring Equinox - Early Summer
POLLINATING: Delight in communal playmaking
May 6 - Jun. 21 | Early Summer - Summer Solstice
FRUITING: Nurture relational abundance
Jun. 21 - Aug. 8 | Summer Solstice - Early Autumn
RIPENING: Share collective wisdom
Aug. 8 - Sep. 22 | Early Autumn - Autumn Equinox
DECOMPOSING: Honor your lineage & learnings
Sept. 22 - Nov. 7 | Autumn Equinox - Early Winter
SEEDING: Return the source
Nov. 7 - Dec. 21 | Early Winter - Winter Solstice

All of life is a sacred dance between the polarities of light and dark, expansion and contraction, giving and receiving, movement and stillness. You rise to greet the light of day and lie down to rest in the dark of night. Breathing in, your heart rate quickens, breathing out it slows.
Nature is cyclical, yet the majority of people have forgotten the inherent ebb and flow of life. Our natural patterning systems, our circadian rhythms, have been altogether re-rhythmed because we no longer rely on natural sources of light nor do we pay attention to the conversations happening along the earth-body continuum. Instead, we move through our days under great pressure, ever quickening speed, and overstimulation.
Under industrial growth society (aka. colonial capitalism), many of us have been taught to perceive life through the lens of an evolutionary path-of-measurable-progress. This is false. Nature is not linear nor is it progressive. This way of thinking commodifies experience as something to accumulate. Time's passage expressed in the over-culture is marked by hallmark holidays which serve to maintain consumption patterns that are pillaging the planet. They provide the masses with a false sense of belonging yet ultimately keep us in ghostly states of dysregulation and addiction.
This disorientation propels us toward unchecked individualism, accumulation, productivity, urgency and external growth while ignoring the necessity to counter such movement patterns toward greater harmony. It's a mode of being that dissociates us from the web of life by cutting us off from embodied wisdom rooted in natural rhythms. The cost of our collective forgetting manifests as disconnection and unwellness in our personal, social, political and ecological contexts.
In the past however, when our ancestors lived more communally and in closer relationship with Earth, time was experienced as cyclical. Life was steeped in place-based relationality, experience was informed by seasonal rhythms, knowledge was shaped by encounters with more-than-human-kin, and intuition was strengthened through embodied conversations with the natural world. People recognized the inherent ebb and flow of life and honored Nature's Arc of Change (life/death/rebirth) because they participated intimately in the dance of the seasons through agricultural rituals.
Orienting to rhythms inherent in Nature's Arc of Change supports you to be in right relationship with the wider web of ecological belonging because it nurtures embodied wisdom, strengthens intuitive modes of perception, and also supports our ability to listen deeply, receive the nourishing care of the cosmos, trust the timing of events, take appropriate actions, and live in greater alignment with our deepest held values. Orienting to nature's rhythms not only supports you to bring greater clarity, ease and flow back into your life but it also awakens a powerful, sacred dimension of existence!